Thursday, April 2, 2015

Benefits of mother

Bird's Nest Benefits For Expecting Mothers Regarded as the perfect tonic for expectant mothers and their soon to be babies, consumption of bird's nest can provide the body with several rich nutrients and benefits. Regular consumption during pregnancy can strengthen the body of the woman and the foetus. In addition, women consuming pure bird's nest post birth will recover far quicker compared with women who do not. This fast recovery is attributed to the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), which is active in the nutrients of the bird's nest. Note: It is important to purchase bird's nest from a reliable and trustworthy bird's nest supplier, especially when the bird's nest is intended for consumption by a pregnant woman. If a pregnant woman consumes bird's nest containing impurities or inadequate nutrient levels, her baby may appear fair and adorable, but could experience a weak immune system and become prone to illness.
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Birds Nest

Birds Nest   
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Bird's Nest Benefits For Men & Women

Women who regularly consume bird's nest often find themselves having fairer and more radiant looking skin. This is because bird's nest is rich in collagen, protein and vitamins. These three ingredients can help rejuvenate the complexion, smoothen the skin, maintain youthfulness and prevent wrinkles. This helps both men and women to look younger and more attractive. For this reason, bird's nest is fast becoming an essential part of a woman's beauty regime. An increasing amount of products are being made from birds' nests, although long term consumption of pure bird's nest will always yield the most effective results.
In addition, both men and women can benefit from improved organ performance. Bird's nest improves heart and kidney function and strengthens the lungs.,d.c2E&psig=AFQjCNGhOpnGb5kxfRxU9l3rmybYDt3miQ&ust=1428122931268622

Bird's Nest Benefits For Children

Bird's nest strengthens the immune system, which is extremely important for children. Due to its high nutrient content, bird's nest helps prevent common colds, flu and more serious illnesses. Bird's nest also reduces fatigue, this is very important for children who are preparing for examinations. The consumption of bird's nest over a long period of time will positively condition your child's body as they grow older.
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